Before starting my journey at TCU, I was nervous about meeting new friends. I am from Kansas City and thought I was going into college knowing a total of five people. However, this fear was quickly put to rest after I went to a Royals baseball game with other incoming freshman going to TCU. As you can see from this picture, there are many other students at TCU that are from Kansas City. I did not know the majority of the students in this picture prior to the Royals game. Now I can honestly say that we are all best friends. I am so thankful for the friendships I have made so far at TCU and look forward to the new ones to come.
One of my favorite things about TCU is the school spirit at football games. This picture is one of my favorites because it not only shows my first TCU football game, but I am standing with girls from my freshman dorm. Living in Sherley was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. There was always something to do and people to hang out with. I know I made lifelong friends with girls who conveniently lived no more than three doors away from me.
Participating in the Pi Kapp philanthropy, PUSH, really encouraged me to get involved in something outside of TCU. This picture shows one of the dances my Chi Omega pledge class performed to help raise money for kids with disabilities. I am now very involved with my sorority's philanthropy. Chi Omegas raise money for the Make A Wish foundation throughout the country. I am currently a Wish Granter. This means that I help the children with life threatening illnesses not only pick what they want their wish to be, but I also help them plan and book their wish. This is such a rewarding experience to see children have such hope in such a terrible situation. I am so thankful that TCU and my sorority have given me the opportunity to be apart of something greater than I could ever imagine.
One thing that I brag to friends back home about is how there is always something going on at TCU. The Crew puts on so many activities to get students involved. My favorite event that The Crew has put on so far is letting students run in giant hamster balls in the gorgeous commons. I am always up for trying new and exciting things. I find myself more often than not trying new things on TCU's campus. For instance, I have had the opportunity to pet a donkey, ride a mechanical bull, and dance with belly dancers in the BLUU dinning hall.
There is a major culture difference between my hometown of Kansas City and Texas. For instance, everyone seems nicer in Texas. Many Texan natives say ma'am and sir in everyday conversation. You can walk down the street in Texas and see fully dressed cowboys with a gun strapped to their waist. This would not be acceptable in Kansas City. One of my favorite new things I have grown to love now that I live in Texas is skeet shooting. Many of my friends back home do not even know what skeet shooting is. I was lucky enough to have my first skeet shoot experience with my Dad during Chi Omega's Dad's weekend. Although this picture really freaked my Mom out, she does not trust me with a gun, I am very glad I tried something new and out of my Kansas City comfort zone.
I am truly grateful for the experiences I have had at TCU so far. From going on two spring breaks with my pledge class, to going home with friends on long weekends, I always enjoy traveling with my friends. Traveling is my greatest passion in life. I cannot imagine what opportunities await for us in London. The memories we make will last a life time. I am getting very excited to share this experience with everyone!
As a fellow transplanted Midwesterner, I'm delighted to see how well you have adjusted to our life in Cowtown. I suspect you'll find "similar but different" in many of your experiences in London, too.